Form Permissions

It is possible to share your form and the form submissions with a selected group of users in your team. This means that you can share the same forms across multiple events regardless of who is creating the event.

Changing the submit button

These settings provide the ability to customise the text for the submit button.

There are two possibilities for the text for the form submit button.

  • Submit Button Text: When the user has not already submitted the form
  • Update Submit Button Text: When the user has already submitted the form and is updating the data populated in the form

Redirecting the form

By default after the form is submitted the user is directed to the event registration success page. The settings below allow you to specify the success page to be either the payment link page specified in the event settings, or to specify a completely separate redirection url.

Use event payment link

When the "use event payment link" option is enabled the user will be automatically redirected to the link specified in the event payment settings.

Redirect after form submitted

If the option to use the event payment link is unchecked the user will be presented with the option to specify a link that will be used to redirect the user to after the form is successfully submitted.

The link specified here will open in a new window and the window that the user is already opened to will progress to the event registration success page.


Example redirect

As you can see in the example above:

  1. Once the user completes the form registration the redirect url ( opens in a new tab.
  2. When this new tab is closed you can see that the user has progressed to the event regatration success page and the next form in the event registration process is displayed.