Adding a form to an event

After a form has been created you will want to attach the form to an event. A single form can be used to attach to multiple events and multiple forms can be attached to a single event.

Attaching a form using the Simple Editor (v3)

Attaching a form

In order to attach a form or multiple forms to an event in the simple editor follow these steps:

Step 1 Click on the Settings button in the event editor

Step 2 Click Attendee settings in the settings panel

Step 3 Scroll down to the form section and select the form you want to apply to the event and then click the add button. This can be done multiple times.

Step 4 Ensure you have set the number of attendees for your event.

Set nimber of attendees

Step 5 Save the event.

Step 6 Ensure that the book now button has been added to your event.

Attaching a form

Step 6 View the event on your website by navigating to the event and then clicking on the book now button.

Check event settings